96 kms away from Jaipur, situated on the river Banas in Rajasthan lies the administrative town of Tonk. Tonk is famous for its leather and felt industry. I visited Tonk to document UNICEF Rajasthan’s initiatives in adolescent empowerment and their role in the prevention of child marriages by adolescent champions and change makers from the community.

Bambhore | 26°07'16.6"N 75°39'55.9"E

Bambhore | 26°07'16.6"N 75°39'55.9"E

Many children and adolescents are beneficiaries of the “Palanhar Yojana “(caregiver scheme) which is a monthly cash transfer programme that helps to nurture, educate and provide health care to orphans and other vulnerable children in a family setting, under the age of 18.

Mehandwas |26°04'25.3"N 75°43'01.6"E

Mehandwas |26°04'25.3"N 75°43'01.6"E

Regardless of gender, marriage before adulthood is a breach of children’s rights. Key community influencers are engaged in dialogue and communication campaigns and other efforts to end child marriage.

 Norms and stereotypes around gender roles and marriage age, as well as the socio-economic risk of pregnancy outside of marriage, keep this practice prevalent in many parts of the State. Child marriages here are the result of entrenched gender inequa

Norms and stereotypes around gender roles and marriage age, as well as the socio-economic risk of pregnancy outside of marriage, keep this practice prevalent in many parts of the State. Child marriages here are the result of entrenched gender inequality, making girls disproportionately affected by the practice.

Uniara | 25.9156° N, 76.0267° E

Uniara | 25.9156° N, 76.0267° E

Adolescent champions have been identified and equipped with knowledge to work with administrators, police and other functionaries to campaign and build a mass movement against child marriage.

Phooleta | 25.9839° N, 75.8592° E

Phooleta | 25.9839° N, 75.8592° E

Engagement activities with Panchayats and communities helps to garner political and social support and broaden community awareness to help prevent such practices.
